No period.


Hey ladies, so normally I have pretty regular periods, and I still havent started mine. Normally they start around the 1st of every month. But it's the 16th and nothing. Back in early October I miscarried at around 9 weeks, but have still been pretty regular since then. (Besides this month)

So, naturally, I went to my OB and she told me that its perfectly natural to miss a period, but if it happens more than once it's time to be concerned. I've both a urine test and a blood test done, and they both came back negative. I feel like I'm losing my mind because my husband and I have been trying since the miscarriage, and this is the first month that I've missed, plus i'm having most of the symptoms. My acne is horrible. Bloated all the time, loss of appetite, back ache, vomiting, sore muscles, the whole shebang. Has anyone else had this, and ended up being pregnant or not? Picture for attention. Thanks!