4/20 due date 4/16 Birthdate

Susie.Carmichael • 🌻nikki🌻

My little girl came.....and in a rush

I had to deliver completely naturally 😩

Went to the hospital at 11pm last night thinking my water broke, but it hadn't and I was only at a 2. Went home. 4am rolled around and I woke up to intense contractions. Like 3,4,2 minutes apart and hurt like hell. Went back to the hospital at 6am and I was a 4. 20 mins later I was at a 7.

The epidural doc was busy with a c section AND had another epidural to do before me.

7:20am I'm hollering how I can't do it and it hurts and give me something, but no time she was born at 7:29am!

I'm in shock that I did it naturally, and honestly the contractions hurt worse than actually pushing the baby out lol