UPDATED 4/21 Is it worth holding on?


I love my boyfriend but I thought things would be better. We've moved quite fast the 2 years being together. We were so in love he moved in after a month of dating and we decided to start a family where I got pregnant last year in April.

During my pregnancy things started to get rocky. He became unemployed several times over the year, got a DUI which cost a lot if money and stress, and I noticed he is dysfunctional when drinking (can't stop till he's wasted). He's promised to change several times but always ends up drinking like that after a couple months.

Then there is the video games. I knew he played but now it's all the time. When he comes home from work he immediately starts playing till he goes to bed. On his days off he instantly turns it on when awake and doesn't stop till 4am. I feel all alone in this new endeavour as a mom. He will hold our son...while playing his games and when he starts crying he makes me take him. Apparently he "can't handle loud noises because of his PTSD".

I want a family and him to be in his son's life, but I'm nearing my wits end. I noticed I have PP depression now, I am stressed out everyday because I feel so conflicted, and I feel alone. I can't even talk to him about it because he instantly gets offensive and calls me a nagger.

Is it time to say goodbye?

UPDATE 4/21:

So I tried talking with him a couple days after I originally made this post. I told him I was unhappy and felt alone in this. I suggested counseling to try and help. He instantly shut down that idea saying I'm the one with the problem so I should try and fix how I feel. He also said he's doing the role he's supposed to do as a father by working and paying all the bills and that because I didn't have a father I don't know how it's supposed to work. Well he didn't have a father either and was adopted so.... But either way nothing changed. I give up communicating because it's like hitting a brick wall. He'll maybe hold the baby for a few minutes when he comes home from work but that's it. Everything he does I feel is him trying to escape from my company. When I ask though he says he's not and that he loves me.

I want my boy to have his father, but I'm starting to resent the man I love or maybe even used to love. He always talks about he can't wait for our boy to be older so he can get him Legos and fun toys to play with him. I'd love to see that but why not help now?