Hemorrhoids Are Horrible!

Seraphina • ✨ FTM to my beautiful Honeybun 🤱🏽💕 💖 12.23.18 💖 Proof miracles happen 🙏🏽 👰🏽 Married to the love of my life 😍

I’m a FTM, going on 17 Weeks Postpartum tomorrow... I felt like I was recovering well at first... then the hemorrhoids came 😬

At first it was a few painful bowel movements but I would be fine after. It seems to be getting worse 😞 I talked to my midwife about it and she said witch hazel and sitz baths if I wanted, or Prep H.

It’s definitely gotten worse because my bottom always feels raw now and honestly I would take childbirth over this excruciating bogus! This morning I had to 💩 and I literally had to breathe and fight through the pain which felt like daggers slicing my insides all the way down.

I waddled back to bed and just feel depressed. Anyone else experiencing? I hear it’s pretty common? Any tips?
