Feeing envious and angry at husband..


Anyone else fed up with feeling like crap and husband just gets to do whatever he wants? I’m just moody, but it’s finally a nice day. I got home from work and my husband was walking around in his golf shoes..... he was waiting for me to come home to watch our son while he went golfing and drinking with his friends.... I’m just venting but it’s so depressing when I don’t feel good and I would love to go golfing or just do whatever whenever. I only have 40 days to go, husband keeps telling me it’ll all be back to normal once baby is out but I know that isn’t true. With a newborn and having to feed every few hours.. ugh. I’m excited for baby but I’m totally feeling the baby blues right now. Thanks for letting me vent. I don’t like to actually vent to friends and family.