So uncomfortable!🤰🏻😶😕


I’m 35 weeks and 6 days pregnant today, and I wanted to see if any mamas could help me figure out how I’m feeling which I am completely aware that it can just be my last trimester symptoms but this is my third pregnancy and these symptoms are all so new to me do i just don’t know, so I’ve been contracting since I was 33 weeks resulting in them needing to give me the terbutaline shot to stop contractions, I went in also on my 34th week which resulted in getting the same shot I went in yesterday with contractions that were just so uncomfortable but no change in my cervix 1cm dilated and very high and thick, I’m still feeling these painful contractions, they aren’t stopping them anymore because they want my body to be able to go into labor now that I’m further along, but here’s my issue I started getting nauseas about 3 days ago now at night and it was accompanied with a headache and light headed ness I am keeping hydrated and eat good the light headed headache feeling is still here and my lower back pain is so uncomfortable, my hands felt a little numb too when I went in but they said to just take some Tylenol or some Benadryl to help me sleep when I get home, has any mama experienced going into labor after feeling like this or is it normal should I go into the hospital again, I’m just not sure, thank you in advance