Would they mind?


So I got a job at the hospital (my dream job) since I'm in the medical field and really wanted to get my foot in the door. I'm currently going to college for nursing and got a job as a CNA (I'm working the 3 shift wich is overnight), I'm super excited and happy that my prayers were finally answered. I have my ears pierced, I have a second lobe piercing on both of my ears, but I'm thinking about getting a conch piercing because I like that lol, I think it'll look cute, I asked my bf who is a firefigher paramedic and has a tattoo if they would mind if I get a conch piercing, he said that he doesn't think so but I wanna get a second opinion. I come from a very strict country where you can't have more than 1 lobe earrings if you have a job (Dominican Republic ❤️🙌🏻) I've been in the USA for 4 years now and I know some places don't mind you having piercings or tattoos but I'm still kinda concern about getting a conch one lol. Do you think they would mind? Would it be ok to have it done?