Advice on husbands baby fears.


My husband and I talk about having a baby all the time. We just got a new car and my husband made sure to research which cars are safe for babies. He can tell you the school rating in Every neighborhood near us. But when I bring up the fact that I want to start trying like super seriously (meaning we have sex on this day and this day because they are Fertile days) rather that what we are doing now (no birth control and sex when we feel like it) he freaks out with anxiety.

I brought it up the other day and he lost it about how that’s so much pressure to say he has to have sex on certain days. And should we own a house first? Should we got to Italy first? Who’s going to be the nanny? Should we fix the apartment first? And on and on and on.

I really don’t understand. He swears up and down he wants kids but then why does he freak out when I bring it up? There was one month recently where I was late and I thought I was pregnant and I was anxious and he was so calm about it and like totally fine...

Why are men crazy people? 🤦🏻‍♀️

Sorry this was so long I’m just curious if anyone else’s husband was like this.