I honestly just need to vent. TTC #1

My husband recently got back from his second deployment. We’ve been married for almost five years now and we’re ready to start a family. We got news that he’ll either need to be a recruiter or DI next year but his unit says that’s unlikely because they “need” him for their next deployment which is 11 months away.

If he ends up getting deployed, we would need to get pregnant before July in order for him to be here. I need him to be here :( note- for those who have babies when your significant other is away, I have so much respect for you! You are strong and very beautiful and you’re doing great things! However, I don’t feel the slightest bit strong even thinking about him not being here for everything. My husband says no matter when we get pregnant, whether if he’s here or not, it’ll be ok.

Second month ttc didn’t work out. He works nights and I work days. We just found out his cousin is pregnant and I cried. Yes, I’m jealous. I feel bad for being jealous over it. I want a family with my husband so bad and I know it’s out of my hands and it’ll happen when it happens. UGH I don’t even know if I’m making sense right now bc I’m such an emotional wreck.

If you’ve read this, thanks for listening. I’m hoping and praying we will make a baby soon.