I still can’t believe it!


My husband and I had being trying for the past year. It was hard every time I though I was pregnant and to see the test come out negative it would break my heart. I was scared to take a test again because I didn’t wanted to see come out negative and feel that feeling again of my heart breaking into little pieces. Yesterday, I decided to take a pregnancy test because the past weeks I have being feeling sick and tired. I wanted to know if it was me that maybe it was sick from something and I need to go to the doctor or maybe I was pregnant this time. Lucky it come out positive. I decided not to get to happy about it until took another one today in the morning and it’s positive again. I still don’t want to get my hopes up because i can’t believe it. I am feeling scared that It may Just be me that I’m imagining that I’m pregnant. It’s my first time being pregnant.