My sweet girl is here!! ❤️❤️


Birth story: So I was due on 04/24 but went to my 39 week appointment and the doctor offered induction on Easter 04/21. I jumped on it because I was soooooo tired of being fat and the pain was getting worse! So I was schedule to come in 9pm on that Sunday. The week seem to go by so slowly lol but Sunday rolls around and it’s time to go! All bags were packed a loaded into to the car. My other 2 children were left with Gigi and pawpaw and me and babes headed to the hospital. We arrived at 9:30pm and got registered. They put us in a room at around 10:40pm and got me all changed and hooked up to the monitors. The doc came in and did the initial evaluation. I was already 2cm 50%eff and station -3. They decided slow drip pitocin would be my route and would see where that got me.. I got an Iv started but before the drip began 6 other women came in in active labor so my induction time got pushed back.. I fell asleep at around 12am and was finally being tapped by my nurse at 2:45am to start my drip. They hooked in the pitocin at 3am as well as an antibiotic as I am GBS positive.. they increased my dose gradually (every 30min) I was checked after 2 hours and had progressed to 4cm so they brought in the peanut ball. I laid on my side with the ball for about 45min but my pain had started to increase and the contractions were becoming more intense. So at 6:20ish I asked for the epidural and they came to administer it. It was done by 6:45am but I could still the tightening. At this point the doctor wanted break my water but I declined because I wanted to progress on my own. At 7:50 I buzzed the nurse because my epidural was wearing off and I felt my contractions on the left side of my body.. the nurse told me to push the button to release more medicine and to give it 10-15 min but that shit was not working!!! So she checked me at 8:20am and I was 8 cm 100%eff and station +2. And those damn contractions were steady rolling in!! The doctor busted through the door at 8:30 and did another exam.. he stated that this baby was not waiting and would be here soon.. he went ahead and broke my water at 8:36am and good grieve it felt like I had never even received an epidural!!!!! I instantly felt the urge to push and poo!! I had 2 contractions over the next 5 mins and I pushed my way through those.. I started screaming for the doctor because I couldn’t stop pushing and he checked me I had jumped to 10cm and got a green light. They hurried to break the bed apart and through my legs in stirrups.. I was instructed to push at the next contraction.. Maaannnnn it hurt so bad but her head popped out.. her shoulders were stuck and it felt like a ring of fire!!! I pushed 3 times to get her shoulders out but during those pushing I started doubting myself, I couldn’t bare the pain, my doctor looked at me and said you CAN DO THIS!! I started crying and pushed through it.. her shoulders popped out and I felt an instant relief!! A sense of calmness came over my body.. she was born at 8:53am weighing 8lbs 6oz and 20in long! My heart is so full!! I’m so in love all over again. I can’t believe I pushed this out.. like women are soooooo freaking AMAZING!

Little miss Zoey Saneem ❤️