Heart broken

My baby is such a sweetheart. She is 14 months but is super sweet and gentle and friendly. I have an indoor playground for toddlers and she sees kids and she wants to play with them but I don’t let her because some parents are super like special. Well today this lady came and my baby was so happy with the little girl and wanted to play with her. The little girl is two and she got one of my baby’s toys and threw it at my baby. It was those hard vetch toys. Thankfully she missed her but it breaks my heart knowing my baby wants to play with other kids and just staring at them while they play. She gets real happy with this kid and she throws a toy at her. She did it intentionally to hit her. And when she was leaving she was making faces at my baby. I’m having such a hard time getting pregnant again but I can’t wait to give my baby a little brother or sister. This is my sweet heart.