Baby still breech, low chance of flipping, low AFI


Wondering if anyone has had similar experience either now or in past pregnancy.

36w 2d. (Yesterday)

Went to docs yesterday and had another scan, we were hoping babygirl would of flipped on her own by now .. but no. She’s tightly packed in there, ultrasound tech said there wasn’t much room for her to flip in there and she measured the fluid levels. Went in to talk to doc and he advised a C-section versus a external version. Said if she doesn’t have room to flip on her own then a version wouldn’t be the best route to take. There’s only a 10% chance of her flipping on her own. So section scheduled for 3 weeks from now on May 15th. Fast forward to dinner time that night, get a call from the doctor that they’d like me to come back in for another scan on Thursday (tomorrow) to recheck fluid levels .. they may not want to wait the 3 weeks to have the section. It may be sooner. AFI was 4.5cm.

Anybody have similar experiences ? I know everyone’s situation is different .. and different doctors means different outcomes. Just looking for a little advice. Thanks for reading !