When nothing is going as planned😪😥


Hello all! Last night I cried myself to sleep and I cried for 2 hours in my cubicle this morning. So, i dont get paid for my maternity leave because i didnt sign up for short term disability and its to late now. I had to have 3 months of rent saved up before my baby is born. Im 35 +4, 1 cm dialated and midwife can touch her head. Well, i had an unexpected car expense which wiped all the rent i had saved up. 500 dollars gone.(husband and i split our house payment) so i just needed my half. Ive my baby were to come early..i would have to immediatly return to work. I wouldnt get to be with her. Im just crying even typing this. I had everything so planned. I had so much money saved. And i was so prepared. If i dont get to spend time with my baby after she is born. I will NEVER forgive myself. I need her to stay in at least till May 17th. That way i could have all that money saved again. If she comes before then, im screwed. Just venting i guess :,(