Is my husband a pedophile? Read description before voting please and thank you.

So. Long story short. I am pregnant..20 weeks to be exact. My husband recently told me that he’s extremely extracted to me when I’m pregnant (even more than he already is when I’m not pregnant which he is very attracted to me obviously lol) anyways a friend of ours over heard him tell me this and she said that it was a little odd and said he was a pedophile! What the fuck. She said exactly, “what are you, a pedophile? Are you hoping the baby reaches down and strokes your cock?” I can not make this up and I never even would! This was literally said to us and I’m utterly disgusted. He got so upset and now we’re in a huge fight with this person. Do you think it’s weird/pedo-ish that he finds me more attractive while pregnant? I can’t be the only one who finds this completely bizarre. Also, this woman has blocked us on social media. She obviously wasn’t joking. I’m so confused.

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