Please help. Kyleena 8 months


I had an IUD put in about 2 years ago and shortly after it fell out. Now a little over 8 months ago I had kyleena put in. When I went in for my check up 3 months in they couldn’t find it and had to do an ultra sound. They found it and had said the strings were just cut to short. Now 8 almost 9 months later after getting it put it I have been having severe cramps and I am on day 33 of nonstop period bleeding. Not just spotting or breakthrough but full period. Sometimes it’s lighter but still there and no sign of it letting up. I have had a one day break and then 2 days where I have spotted but that’s it. Tonight my cramps are excruciating and I am visiting my sister for a couple weeks and can’t see the gyno so I need your ladies opinions. Please and thank you.