Pls don’t say “take a test” 😤

For the last few days or maybe week I’ve been feeling so shitty 😩. My stomach has been having a constant but dull nauseous feeling. It doesn’t make me throw up but i always feel like I’m going to. I get random cramps on the left and right and by cramps it’s more like a sharp pain in one spot on and off. I have a constant hunger pain in the middle of my stomach. I’m bloated as hell like to the point where it hurts. I can’t suck in my stomach without it hurting ? 😂 I know it’s weird but like sometimes I try just to see if it’ll hurt and it always does. I can’t sleep for shit but I’m always exhausted. Let’s not forget about the headaches too lol. Now, I know y’all are gonna tell me to take a test but BESIDES pregnancy, could this be anything else ?