High Risk


Has anyone else's OB's labled them high risk because of BMI alone? I'm 20 weeks and have had 0 complications. Everything has been textbook perfect so far. I know things that could happen would most likely happen in the 3rd trimester, but so far nothing. I haven't even gained any weight. I just feel like it's a little overkill. They want me to do an ultrasound every month and they're already talking about inductions or a c section. I love getting to see our girl so much, but my insurance is not great. Ultrasounds are expensive for us. I just feel like this is too much. And I will not induce unless absolutely medically necessary. I want a natural birth in every way if at all possible. Should I look for a different OB, or is this pretty standard? We don't have midwives in our little town, and I heard once they label you high risk you can't have a midwife attend your birth anyway.