What should I do? (Sorry it’s long!)

Hi everyone! I know this probably belongs in the work/career group but we all have babies the same age and we come from such different life situations so I want your advise.

I am an attorney and I had the amazing luck to get a job doing research for 4 judges at a circuit court. I have loved the experience and it gave me a lot of stability and peace of mind in my first few months of motherhood. But, I always thought I would return to trial work and develop those skills more.

My job now involves zero trial time. I don’t have any clients I just help the judges on their cases. I was told that there is a spot for me at the public defenders office. If I took the job I would be able to be in trial pretty much every week and in court everyday. The new job would be a faster pace and i would actually be “lawyering” if that makes sense.

But! I have this little five and a half month old that I love so much and I already spend 60 hours away from him a week. The new job has more flexibility in the sense that I can leave after court is done and go home, but less flexibility in the sense that if I’m in trial I CANT leave to go be with my baby if daycare falls through or he feels sick.

I’m so torn.

I want to be the best mom for my boy and I want to be the most bad ass attorney.

Make the decision for me?