2 periods in one month

I’ve been off the depo since September 2017 and was on it for a few years prior. Recently been having some irregular cycles being I would bleed for a day , the next day I would be off , the following day I would start again and by night I wouldn’t be bleeding . Went and got a pap and pelvic ultrasound and my family doc of 10 years + informed me everything was perfect. That was my last cycle ending of 4.19.19 and now I’ve started another cycle . I was pregnant last time I got blood test and took pee test both negative and now this! I don’t know if I should be excited because I’m not sure this could be implantation bleeding is what I’ve been researching and I disregard medical related things considering I just was seen 3.28 and everything came back perfectly normal but I do want a child. I need help !!