28 Weeks & Severe Pelvic Girdle Pain


I will be 28 weeks tomorrow & for the past week or so I’ve had unbearable pains in my groin and lower abdomen area. It doesn’t feel like cramps or Braxton Hicks or anything (no tightening of my stomach area)...it just feels like I have severely pulled muscles.

Walking hurts, going to the bathroom hurts, twisting for the toilet paper hurts, & it especially hurts when I try to roll over in bed or get up to go to the bathroom (just to name a few).

Has anyone experienced this? What did you do to relieve it? I have already purchased a pregnancy belt & it doesn’t help very much. I’m miserable & I feel like I can’t maneuver very well & I still have 12 weeks to go. 😫😭

Thanks in advance!