
So im 24 years old and have been married to my husband for going on 6 years in August. When we first got together we were sooo in love and had sex like rabbits often. But as our relationship got older and we had a baby now our sex life SUCKS! Hes always horny but some where along the way i lost my sex drive. I was on birth control but i recently got off because of side effects i was having. Not sure of that played a part into me losing my sex drive but I absolutely have no sex drive. I try to do things with him to keep him satisfied but i find no pleasure in what we do. Its always more for him than it is me. What should I do because i love him and want to make him happy but sometimes i just cant do it. Also, i had a ton of complications with my pregnancy and now my body is in so much pain almost 24 hours a day. Im only 24 and feel like im in a 60 year olds body that isnt in great shape. Having sex while my body is in excruciating pain is to me like taking a car and running me over with it.(NO JOKE) idk what to do, What do you guys think will help me?