Advice about D&C

Holly • 👧-12/2010 + 👼-11/2017 + 👼-11/2018 + CP-12/2018

I would be very grateful if anyone could tell me their personal experience with having a d&c, good or bad. I've just found out today that my baby's heart stopped beating a week ago and I'm struggling with what to do.

My doctor is pushing me to have a d&c and I'm really struggling with the decision. I have heard that women wish they waited as they didn't get closure and I've also heard for some it was the best thing for them.

I know I can't base my decision off anyone else's experience, I would just like to have a rough idea of what sort of emotions and things I might expect if I do decide to go through with the procedure.

I have a chromosome abnormality which may or may not be causing my recurrent miscarriages (4 losses now) and I feel like a d&c would be useful as far as genetic testing goes but the emotional healing time worries me.

Any input would be really appreciated