39 weeks pregnant, reasonable to ask my husband not to drink this weekend?


I’m now full term and have been losing my mucous plug with bloody show since yesterday afternoon, no contractions but being a ftm I’m not sure if I am going to go into labour this weekend or not. My husband got home from work and immediately opened a beer and declared he is just going to relax and drink tonight - I then asked him not to drink Incase I go into labour and he has to drive to the hospital. He rolled his eyes a bit and was like the baby won’t come early he will be here Tuesday (when I am getting induced). Am I wrong to feel upset? How hard is it to go just one weekend without drinking just in case? He also has a soccer game on Sunday and won’t be able to answer his phone - I really don’t want him to be uncontactable so close to our due date but I’m already feeling guilty to ask him not to play... what are you all asking of your husbands? Am I asking too much?