My fiancé flushed my engagement ring down the toilet

My fiancé (or ex fiance/ boyfriend/ idk what we even are right now) and I got into a big fight for the who knows how many-th time. He’s pretty awful to me when he’s upset and says a LOT of very hurtful things about me and even said he wished he never brought our son into this earth and he asked for my engagement ring back and flushed it down the toilet. I was ready to leave and had packed but he wouldn’t let me take our son with me (he’s 4 mo. and exclusively breastfeeding so he can’t be without me) so I stayed and then he tells me he wants to work things out...

He’s willing to try therapy but idk if we’re too far gone...

My heart is hurting and this isn’t the first time we’ve had fights like this. He’s done it time and time again and I’m just exhausted and hurt.