My Husband is cheating on me

I feel like I cant breathe. I get so nauseous just thinking about the whole situation. Right now, I cant support myself, I'm not done with college, working minimum wage. I'm enlisting in the military in the fall, I know that will help with my stability, and it's something I've been wanting to do for a long time now. But how do I move on from the love of my life? I love him so so much but he hurt me so bad and he just doesnt show that he cares. I know he loves me and he be bottling up his feelings which isnt healthy but his actions show otherwise. When we have issues, he doesnt want to work on them. I dont even want to talk about this because its tearing me apart. Hes literally f*****g someone else, buying her pregnancy tests. I know hes cheating. I just dont understand how my heart can continue to love him. How can I get over this? I'm so lost. And I have no one, no family or friends. Hes in the army too so that's why I have no friends over here, but I have no family for other reasons smh. I just really dont know how to make myself happy at this point.