My little sister 💔😔

Hello ladies... I need some advice on something my little sister told me.. she came over this weekend and for some reason she was really anxious to get over here to tell me something??

(She’s never been anxious like this before) So we’re in the kitchen and I’m cooking like always. And she starts to tell this story... about something that happened to her like...2-3 Thursdays ago. She said she was walking home from a friends house and she got half way home when her ex’s dad pulls up in the car.

She said they’d always talked and he was cool about everything before so she started talking to him.. like usual. And he asked her if she wanted to go to Wendy’s with him. She said no she wanted to go straight home. He said he understood but he could drop her off on the way.

She said okay cool.. so she got in the car and she said they went to Wendy’s and drove out of the parking lot. She said at one point he said something like “yeeah I’ve been wanting you for a while now.” She said she started to feel sick. So then there just having normal conversations and still driving Around...

she said he asked where she lived and she said just right around the corner.. so as there approaching the corner.. he passes it. She knew something was up but she tried to play it cool because she was starting to get scared.

She said as he was driving he reached over and started touching her inner thigh.. so she pushed his hand away. Then he said “okay ima pull over really quick so I can do this”.. she said “your not about to do anything!” So he pulls over anyways... parks the car. He unzips her Jacket and pulls her shirt up... she said he took her boob out of her bra and starts sucking on it... she said she started shaking really bad... she said she’d never been sooo scared in her life.. but again.. she didn’t wanna freak out but it was dark and nobody was around.

So she said she just sat there... and when he was done he took her home and dropped her off... but this is where I started to feel the fire burn inside of me. He started calling her... and texting her and blowing her phone up... keep in mind my sister is only 16... and is a sophomore in high school and this man is old as fuck ..

so he was calling her and blowing her up while she was in school too! Ladies... I’ve had things like this happen to me... and then some.. but I NEVER EVER thought this shit could happen to my LITTLE sister.. I’m pissed at myself... I knew I should’ve took my sister when I had the chance... but that’s a story for another day... what I need from you ladies is.... to tell me what me and her should do next! She was literally trying to figure out if it was even sexual assault! Anyways ... I’m gonna stop talking.. please tell me what you guys would do in a situation like this... I didn’t tell on the men that did this to me... but I dont want history to repeat its self so please let me know! Thanks 🙏🏽.