First birthday


Happy Angel birthday baby girl!! It’s been the hardest saddest year and I promise I do feel joy most days now but everyday is spent thinking of you. I think you were just too beautiful for this world but I’m grateful for the moments we did have. Literally not a day goes by that I don’t think of you but the tears seem to flow a little less and I am grateful that the memories don’t feel as hard anymore. You surely are still so very loved and missed.

I’m going to cry it out a bit tonight and sit close to your candle until it burns out ❤️

Love you everyday Aria xoxox

A little back story I was pregnant and had the most beautiful pregnancy until it just wasn’t anymore. At my anatomy scan they found that my daughter had a very large tumour on her lower back coming out from her spine, a hole in her heart and other parts not quite attached right as well as her limbs all were measuring short. We had to make the hardest choice of our lives and that was to let her go before she came into this world just to die if she even made it that far. I had her at 21 weeks and the last year has been the hardest. Loosing a child is horrific and if it was all about me I maybe would have carried her to term but it wasn’t it was about her. I let her go to be pain free and I think about her everyday ❤️