
Charl • 💍❤💙💜🐶

I don't know why but I keep feeling really anxious lately I'm about 7 weeks now and I don't have a midwife appointment until the 9th, I don't feel like I'm pregnant but then it's still early weeks (I always think) iv been feeling so so tired and hungry and my boobs hurt like hell, this is my second pregnancy and I don't remember feeling this worried when I was pregnant with him, I never had sickness with him either, just appetite and tiredness (like this time) I keep taking tests to make sure but I'm driving myself crazy about it, as they are faint today (but then again they are cheap strips off ebay) iv heard that you can still get a positive weeks after loss which has now played on my mind, if had no bleeding or bad cramps.

Am I just being completely crazy?! Me and my husband had been trying for over a year, I don't wanna talk to him cuz I know he's just going to say everything's ok your fine stop worrying, if wanted this more than ever and I know it's for him it's exciting but he won't fully understand what us women go through. I know everything is fine but I'm driving myself crazy. Tell me I'm not the only one that's doesn't feel pregnant?!