Last Day Breastfeeding...

Lisa • Mommy to miss Penny Lane🎼💗🌹 8/4/18 and to two fur babies Link🐾 and Logan😸

I’m so emotional about this! This morning was my last time breastfeeding my sweet girl. I’ve been doing a slow wean for the last 3 months, and I am so so proud of myself for EBFing her for 6 months, and then being able to continue until now. I just didn’t expect to get this emotional about it!😭😂She was totally fine with it though. She’s basically weaned herself haha.

I will forever cherish those sweet memories her and I created(and even the ones where she wouldn’t sit still😆). I know this is mostly hormones, but it really is a special experience that I’m eternally grateful I was able to have with my little babe. I just wanted to commemorate it💖

Here’s my carbon copy...rocking her Bowie onesie⚡️😎