16 week ultrasound turned upside down

Tiffany • Mamax3 , wife

Okay so we went for our 16 week ultrasound today.. heres the pictures. She thinks boy... not sure what i think imput on thatbwould be extra cool.. well...

She has me lay down obviously and tells me I'm measuring 21 cm. Baby is only measuring 15w6d. Yet im measuring 5 weeks ahead. Fast foward hubby and DD leave room because im getting a pap smear and testing for that kinda stuff. She brings the ultrasound machine back in and says she wants to try and look for a second baby behind this one.. cant find anything, asks if she can do a transvaginal ultrasound, i say yes because i wanna know why this is happening. She couldnt see. Said her machine was older than a dinosaur. Today i walked out with three ultrasounds for May. Has this happened to anyone? Did you have twins, where one was hiding. Thats what her guess is but we had a ultrasound at 12 weeks so im confused.. and scared something else could be wrong. Baby is right on track with measurements btw. My uterus is measuring 21cm. Though..