Unpopular opinions...go

I’ll start.

People who claim their kids don’t eat nothin but chicken nuggets and shit... if you wanna set good eating habit examples, start with maybe not even introducing shit like that. Full of preservatives, how is a growing child supposed to grow on a shit ton of sodium and preservatives? That’s just not healthy.

No time? Seriously. People do it, people have always done it. Frozen veggies take less time than waiting for the oven to preheat, & cook chicken nuggets.


Eggs always fast.

Older kids? Get them to help! Make it fun. No? Well go eat your non nutritious food.

Fun fact: we discovered that the people who eat canned, pre packaged meal type stuff. We’re more negative,’grouchy people. And the ones who ate a decent meal,

We’re Happier people. Test was done at job site. Took notice of about 60 different people.

Asked eating habits etc...

Don’t get all defensive and give me your whole life story. It’s an opinion.