Can't get quality time with my boyfriend


My boyfriend is 28 and I am 25, we have been together for 6 years, we live very far from each other and due to our work schedules, he works most of the weekends as well, so we only get to meet like once per week or even less. We both live with our parents so it is very complicated to get quality time together. And we are almost never alone.

I know he is my soulmate and I am sure I want to be with him for the rest of my life. But it is so difficult and frustrating to keep this relationship going as it is now.

I had never dreamed about getting married this young, but I have entered a stage in my relationship where I cant stop thinking about marriage. My boyfriend is in the same page as me but we have had money problems and we had to pospone it at least for a year and a half. His parents are very religious so we don't want to go to live together without getting married. This would brake the relationship with them and they have been too loving and supportive with him.

So in the meantime, don't know what to do I feel like a miss him all the time, I started new hobbies and activities of my own, I try to go out with my friends or family the weekends when he works. But I still feel miserable in this relationship.