Potty training tip!


So I saw a momma post about potty training and I’m sure other moms might do this but if not. Buy underwear for you kid, (obviously bring them to the bathroom every 10min or so, constantly ask do you need to go peepee/ poop) but the underwear will make it really uncomfortable for them if they have an accident and they won’t want to be in it, and realize they shouldn’t go in their pants. If you don’t want messes, like me I have all rug. Put underwear on first then put a diaper over. So the underwear they will feel everything rather then the diaper absorbing it. But put diaper over so it’s mess free, can catches the leaks.

DO NOT: Yell at your kid when they have an accident.

DO NOT: hit your kid when they have an accident.

(Yes some parents do this... if it’s your thing “discipline” that’s your thing I guess)

Simply just correct them. “Did you go peepee in your pants? Remember we go peepee in the potty not our pants”

Yelling at them will only make them scared to go to the bathroom. That’s “sort of” not always mostly why they start lying saying no when you ask. (Not most cases, but it happens)

ALSO: another thing that helped my kid understand the toilet. EVEN if they just went pee / poop in pants.. still put them on the toilet after. It will correct them to know you go on the potty.

Edit: also I bought the seat that goes on the toilet I found that helped my kid go easier, and she likes it more’