Always trust your intuition!! Scary delivery


So we’ve had contractions on and off for maybe 2 weeks. Friday, they got SUPER intense but weren’t consistent enough to go to the hospital. Saturday, I slept most of the day due to my back pain getting worse and a headache. Sunday, everything got worse again.

Called Monday morning to my OB and they had be come in immediately. BP was elevated so they gave me the choice of being admitted for monitoring or do the c section early. We elected to just do the c section.

Baby was born within 5 minutes of the surgery, and 2 of my OBs (there’s 4 in the practice) were there. After she was out, one left to tend to other patients. After maybe 15 minutes, my doctor has the nurses page the doctor that left and another one as he couldn’t get the bleeding to stop. They also got a transfusion ready.

45 minutes -an hour later, we’re done and they tell me I was in labor and didn’t know it. I had developed a hematoma on a ligament near my uterus and my uterus was beginning to rupture my previous incision site. There was no way to know this unless they did surgery. We were about 15 more minutes from having an emergency hysterectomy.

We’re now in L&D not a typical postpartum room with an epidural still incase the bleeding starts again and we’ll rush into surgery.

Trust your gut ladies.

What’s important is she’s here, and she’s doing great. I’m still here and I’m on the road to recovery.
