I Really Just Need to Rant

I've been banning this teio to Chicago with my boyfriend for months now. MIND YOU I checked this calendar over and over to make sure I wasn't going to be on my period, but of course things change and I like now and it's supposed to start a couple days in but knowing how my period is, it'll probably start the day we leave.

I cannot stress how upset I am. I wanna scream. I already bought the concert tickets. There are no other interesting concerts any time soon. I can't just refund the tickets and go there at a different time because I'm pretty sure the concert is the only reason my mom is letting me go in the first place.

We've never spent the night together. I just wanted it to be cute, sexy, romantic, etc., etc. Now I'm gonna be bloated, sexless, emotional... I'm just extremely upset right now. And the fact that nothing can fix it makes it 20000000x worse. Like pla ming your wedding and honeymoon but your body says "fuck you" and you end up being on your period during your honeymoon. Like that shit would send you off your hinges right??

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