My sister-in-law.......🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

At Christmas time my sister-in-law announced she was pregnant and then a few days later I found out I was pregnant.. We told our parents but that’s it and sadly we ended up losing it a week later. Well then my sister-in-law was telling everyone that I wouldn’t talk to her about any of it, she never bothered asking anything so my in-law family was getting mad that I wasn’t updating them but they never asked anything so I’m not gonna just volunteer info unless you ask then I don’t mind. But fast forward to now.

We just found out we’re pregnant again and so far everything is going great!! Well now my sister-in-law is complaining to my MIL that I’ve made her pregnancy so hard because we lost our last baby...

After we lost ours I text her a long message and explained to her that even though we lost ours we still wanted to be apart of her baby, that yes, it was hard but we was still excited to be getting a niece or nephew but they never tried to include us with anything! But I NEVER done anything to make her pregnancy hard, yes it was awkward around everyone because no one knew how to act but that was for EVERYONE not just HER! For the first few weeks my husband and I stayed to our selves to greave so idk when I would’ve made it hard on her..

She always tried to find something I’ve done wrong and run with it... I’m just over worrying about what she thinks!!!! I can’t let her stress me out! Idk why she couldn’t just be thankful she got to keep her baby..