Itchy behind

I don’t know why my butt is so itchy, I went to check in the mirror one day and I did notice hemorrhoids..I got it bad. I didn’t even have symptoms of it. I don’t think it’s supposed to itch around your butt crack, I thought the anal hole would itch. I thought I was getting stretch marks around there, but I don’t see it, I put lotion and cream and it itches so bad. 😖 I clean my booty, 😂😂 you know they got certain females that try to say you don’t clean yourself 😂😂😂😂😂😂,but I can assure you. I wash it after I do I put lotion and use my hemorrhoid wipes. So, either my body just growing or I just have really dry skin. Every time I get out the tub my body feels like ants biting me. 😭😭 i already scratched my breast to the point of no return. My breast used to be cute, now they look like big black veiny grapefruits. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I DON’T LIKE CHANGE!!