Inconsiderate mother


So I love my mom but my sister is her #1 favorite child. She says she has no favorites but her actions show her intentions well enough. I’m 29 years old so I’m not an idiot.

My poor husband can’t stand my mother for this reason. Well, my sister had a baby 7 weeks ago. And my mom has been by her side after the birth for weeks. I just had my second and she was supposed to stay with me atleast a week after to help me with the transition with the two kids since my first is vary attention dependent.

Well a day after I get back from the hospital she leaves to go help my sister leaving me with the two kids. I know I am going to have to get used to it but I was hoping for the first week I’d have some help transitioning since my husband couldn’t get the time off right away.

So my husband took a few unpaid days off since my mom decided to not stay and help and he goes back to work tomorrow and my mom knows he does and I asked if she could come over for a few days to give me a hand before she flys home. She said yes. She was supposed to come over this morning I was told she will come whenever she feel like it.

With exquisite timing I have a stomach bug so I have been on the toilet for both ends needing to be relieved. I am now holding a screaming infant and have a toddler screaming his head off because he’s hungry.

Crying just isn’t enough to express how defeated I feel.