How can you do this to someone you love

So at six months pregnant my husband has decided to tell me he no longer loves me, he wants to live life singularly, he finds me boring, annoying, and not fun. He said he has felt this way since our wedding which was last March and we both had decided to do <a href="">fertility treatment</a> to have a baby and now I am having this baby in July and I am feeling completely terrible. I had known something was off because he wasn’t treating me with much love or caring lately but I was only expecting some cold feet over the baby not him to tell me he isn’t sure if he even likes me never mind loves me. It’s just hard because I was trying so hard with love notes and making dinner and putting in so much effort because he was being distant but now I realize it’s because he doesn’t want to compromise his life to have a family. Since he told me this I have moved back with my parents and multiple times he has said he didn’t mean what he said but I cannot risk staying with him just for him to again decide he doesn’t love me and to deal with his cruelty and unkindness. I should’ve seen the signs and red flags but he changed his mind so often about his feelings and some days he was amazing and others he was so terrible to me. I never knew what I would get. I somehow feel like this is my fault for thinking he could change and allowing myself to be treated without respect or care for so long while holding onto hope he could be better for me and for the baby. Has anyone else ever gone through this? If so some advice or support is really needed. I’m mostly just worried that I will never meet someone else as my husband has said no one will ever want me once I have a baby and that’s why I should stay with him even though he doesn’t know what he feels about me. Since I got pregnant he has only worried about me getting back in shape and looking good again and hasn’t cared about me or the baby in any other regard. I know I cannot be with him or go back to him because I don’t want my baby to grow up seeing him talk down to me or invalidate me. I’m only 23 years old and I feel very lost and worried about the future. Any advice is welcome. Thank you.