6 week growth spurt and pumping help


My daughter turned 6 weeks yesterday and she is constantly eating all of the sudden. She went from roughly 24 ounces per day, to 32!! She wants to feed more often so I've been giving her 2 ounces at a time, instead of 4. I tried 4, but she would spit up a lot of it and still want to feed 2 hours later. 

2 questions: is 32 her new normal, or will it go back down after this spurt?

And how do I increase my supply if this is her new normal?? I pump between 32-38 ounces per day, so if 32 is her new normal I need to increase! Do i try to pump every 1.5/2 hours like she is feeding during the spurt? 

This is so frustrating because we just got into a flow and I've stashed 160 ounces so far... but if she is increasing and staying at 32, and I cant increase my supply, I am in trouble!