The story of my life as a rape victim

I was very young and a child who’s life was very hard & difficult cause my so called mother gave up her parental rites. I went to court with my auntie Tina at the age of 9 & Anita didn’t show up for court so I was a ward of the court which meant that the judge was my mother & father. I wasn’t ok with the situation so I ran away, stole money from my aunt & uncle, refused therapy & a lot more of rebelling. When I turned about 10 or 11 years old I was moved with my grand-mother, two of my aunts & uncles & my two cousins. The onlee thing I can remember of the sexual abuse part is being in my aunties room that nite cause I was babysitting for them. My uncle got in the bed when he got back from going out to the bar & then I go blank & cant remember a thing. And then it happened again when I was 16 years of age & cant remember anything cause I blacked out. Been in therapy since I was 25 years old & now 42 years old & still working on that issue.