
Hi all, just looking for some reassurance. Back in November I found out I was pregnant for the first time right before we we’re going to start

<a href="">IVF</a>

. I was over the moon. Unfortunately that pregnancy ended in a mmc which is the most awful and traumatic experience ever. I then went through a cycle of

<a href="">IVF</a>

(a painful experience in itself as anyone who has gone through it will tell u). After the egg retrieval we were going to wait a month before preparing for a transfer cycle. Instead, I fell pregnant. I am currently 5 weeks and 6 days and I’m so excited and so nervous at the same time. I am so scared of miscarrying again. And especially because the last one was a mmc so I had no idea that it had even happened until the 8 week ultrasound makes me so much more nervous! I had my first ultrasound yesterday with my fertility doctor and we could see the sac and the most tiny dot which is our little bean. The doctor said I should come back next Friday to hopefully hear the heartbeat. I don’t know how I’m going to make it through the week!! I so badly want this baby to be ok!! Also I have almost no symptoms! Just sore boobs and nothing else! Last time I had awful morning sickness and fatigue and now I barely feel like I am pregnant lol.

I went to yoga yesterday to try to help myself relax- never did it before and then after I read that yoga can cause miscarriage! I feel awful for not checking it up before going. The class was very gentle with no major poses or twisting so I’m hoping that that’s ok... any reassurance/positive thoughts are welcome❤️