Husband not the man I married

When I got with my husband he was the sweetest kindest loving happiest person I had ever met. We got married in 2014 and the first year was lovely with difficult point but we got through. Then something changed and he is miserable, snappy, uncaring, insensitive and quite mean at times. He accuses me of being abusive even though he does nothing in the house or looks after the children, I have to keep them downstairs while he stays in bed asleep or on his phone. He refuses to play or change or bathe or dress the children and tries to avoid them whatever the cost. He then proceeds to accuse me of accusing him of being abusive over a silly comment I made which caused him to flip out in front of people when we went shopping. I'm disabled he is supposed to be my carer but he doesn't care. However much this man causes me pain, I love him to bits, he gave me 2 beautiful children and practically saved my life but I feel like he doesn't care, appreciate or love me anymore. He's more interested in talking to other women and not just as friends and any time I attempt a conversation it always turns into an arguement or he raises his voice at me or starts talking down to me. I don't want to leave him because I really do love him and I take my marriage vows seriously but I don't know how much longer I can cope with being treated like his nurse maid while also bringing our children up singlehandedly. I'm at a loss, I've tried to talk to him and he always says things will change if we work together but nothing changes. I still wash, cook, clean, bathe, play, dress, change, read and do everything in the house and for the children, my back can't handle it and I'm always in pain but get no help. When it comes to his mum he always tells her to rest and take things easy and breaks his neck to do everything for her and I love his parents. He gets to go out with his friends a few times a year, but my friends want nothing to do with me, ok that's their choice. But as a family the only time we go out is when we go to the caravan site for a 2 week holiday which is always paid for by myself. He keeps his carers payments in his own bank and means when he has to spend it on us as a family for food or repairs or anything else yet has a kick off at me if I spend my money on myself or my children. I have no one to talk to as I have no friends or family and I'm sick of hearing leave him because I won't take my children from their dad. I have a strong feeling he is talking in appropriately to other women again and I'm now at that point where I wish he would just get on and do what he wants with his "fancy women" he tells me he's not bothered about sex but complains because I'm always genuinely tired or in pain and is always talking to other women which again causes obvious arguments. He's never cheated because he's always with me but I know he wants to because I don't feel he is really faithful and the disgusting conversations he has with women makes me feel unloved, under appreciated and just good for being a maid only with legal papers so he doesn't have to pay for the work I do. I feel used by him. We haven't had sex in a few months but I don't feel like I can have sex with a man that clearly isn't 100% faithful or honest to me.