How many things did you end up not using? My list.


Our baby is ~3 weeks old and I'm already realizing we wasted money on certain things that ended up not working out for us/baby. I'm just curious what other mamas' experience is!

Our list:

1) Swaddle Me sleeping sacks with zippers - our baby hates being restricted in any way while sleeping (or any other time really). She would be so frustrated with it she would keep crying until that thing is off her!

2) Boppy breastfeeding pillow - used it a couple times but I did like how challenging it was to put around my postpartum belly. I also have My Brest Friend pillow and it's just so much more comfortable and functional, using it all the time.

3) Dockatot - really bummed about that one since it was pricey but our daughter hates being in it due to the same reason as #1 - she hates any body/space restrictions and just loves sleeping with her arms stretched far out on both sides.

4) All newborn clothes and diapers - she was born 8lbs 5oz and added a pound more withing first 10 days so we got to use some of her newborn clothes only a couple times before it got ridiculously small. Was such a mistake to get quite a bit of high quality organic cotton clothes in NB size. We still use nb diapers but really can't wait when that huge pack is over - It's a challenge to put on comfortably.

5) Tons of burp clothes - my 1st child was born a premie and would spit out so often and so much, I thought I would need a lot of those. But thankfully this baby has been burping just air mostly. I haven't used a single burp cloth so far.

6) A lot of baby blankets of all kinds - not sure how to use those just yet? Maybe later for tummy time and play on the floor? For now we've only been using a couple lightweight jersey blankets to hold her in and to cover her in the car seat.

7) Cloth diapers - this we just haven't started using yet. Tried when she was just a week old and her skin on her belly and back started peeling off like crazy where the cloth fitted diaper touched it. We decided to give her a bit more time, will try again when the dryness goes away.

8) Diaper bag - I got an expensive diaper bag with all kinds of pockets and compartments etc but we ended up using my weekend bag with one big compartment and no zipper on top - I just throw stuff in it on my way out of the door without worrying where things are supposed to go or about overpacking.

9) Postpartum stuff - I didn't really need Depends adult diaper panties or even super thick/huge night pads I got in crazy quantities. My pp bleeding has been on a lighter side, even during first days. Didn't need a compression belt or corset-type panties with rows of hooks - they were too restrictive at first but then I didn't need them after either - belly shrunk on it's own, now it's just tight high waist panties from Motherhood that I've been wearing to hold some extra fat leftover.

10) C.U.B. - inflatable birthing cushion, alternative to a fitness ball. Was excited to use it during labor when I initially got it but my labor ramped up so fast that we didn't even get a chance to inflate it. 😂