Birth story! My baby girl


39 weeks exactly my water broke at 2am on Thursday May 2nd, I go to the hospital and they confirm but I was only 1cm dilated. I wanted an all natural birth but the doctor on call said that if my labor didnt progress on it's own after 12 hours then we would have to induce and it's much harder to go natural when induced. But my labor did progress on it's own thankfully. At around 9pm my nurse checked my cervix and said that baby's head was turned crooked and I was 9cm dilated but half of my cervix still wasn't thinned out enough! I layed on my side with a peanut ball between my legs and rocked back and forth, I felt her shift but it wasn't enough to get that half fully effaced. So I rolled to the other side and after a few minutes I felt and uncontrollable urge to push. So the nurse checked me and said I was ready! I pushed for about 15-20 minutes and my baby girl came out! I am not going to lie, it was probably the worst feeling I have ever felt pushing her head out. I have 2nd degree tears and I felt every bit of it! I was thinking to myself, there's no way I can push her out, no way!! But I did and she is so worth every bit of pain I felt in those 18 hours! My husband was such a huge support person and I am so thankful he was there to help me! This postpartum recovery hasn't been easy either, but again so worth it. Here's some pics of my baby girl. Born at 9:47pm May 2nd, 21in long and weighing a healthy 8lbs 5oz!

One proud papa, day before his birthday