"cryptic" pregnancy


I was scrolling through videos on Facebook and saw an old advertisement for an episode of Dr.Phil that aired back in October of 2018.

In the video the guest was a woman who claimed that she'd been pregnant for 3 years & 7 months and that while she was able to pick up 6 (SIX!) separate heart beats on her home Doppler all of her urine and blood tests came back negative, and doctors couldn't find anything on an ultrasound machine. She told doctor Phil that was because she had a second uterus and none of the doctors had bothered to properly examine her. Though one doctor did say she had bladder cancer but she didn't believe them.

Dr.Phil told her it was impossible to be pregnant for that long and she said she has what's called "cryptic" pregnancy and it can take up to 7 years for the children to be born because it takes them longer to develop. She claimed that sometimes it can take the fetus up to 3 years to grow bones. All of her information comes from one site "The Gilmore Foundation."

(There's also a community on Facebook filled with women who believe they've been pregnant for well over a year for.)

His second guest claimed to have been pregnant for almost 2 years and said she as well could pick up a heart beat on her home Doppler but doctors couldn't find anything. She said this was because she'd had three C-sections and her anatomy had changed.

Dr.Phil had both the women examined and of course the doctor couldn't find anything abnormal about their reproductive organs (the 2nd woman did have PCOS and she was shown the cysts) and she didn't see a single sac or fetus. The first woman tried to show the doctor a heart beat on her home Doppler but the doctor said she couldn't hear anything.

I tracked the women down on Facebook and both are still claiming to be pregnant, and I didn't see anything about them getting medical care for the bladder cancer or PCOS

So my main/poll question is : Do you believe it's possible for a woman to be pregnant this long??

My second question is: Do you feel this may be more a long the lines of a mental issue, or something else going on within their bodies?

Vote below to see results!