Am i in the wrong!?!?!?!?!

Long story short.....

We been having some issues with our children stealing or taking things that don't belong to them without asking. I am also a type 1 diabetic, so we don't let our children pig out in candy all day long every day, we monitor how much they get because I worry about their health.

Our youngest (almost 8) took some candy without asking. We've tried everything under the sun as far as discipline goes and nothing phases him. So his punishment for taking candy without asking was that he would not get any Easter candy. We've done this sort of punishment with our other children as well.

So Easter comes, he gets no candy. When the other children ask for candy, my husband will give our son a sucker or some other candy that didn't come in Easter. Tonight I didn't let him have any candy, even when the others got their Easter candy. My husband goes to get our son a sucker and I tell him no, the whole point of his not getting any candy was because he took candy without asking and giving him candy, any candy is completely defeating the purpose of his punishment. Do y'all think that I am following thru with what we decided is wrong and I should let our son have a sucker or am I wrong?