Not a home body..

Cheyenne • In love with Zachary, mommy to Bradee Rae.💗

So, I was put on bed rest at 8 weeks.. my SO & I decided that it would be cheaper to just have me stay home with the baby for the first year anyways so I quit my job.

Well, at 25 weeks I was taken off bed rest & ever since then I have been going nuts!!

I clean my house everyday, top to bottom. I have repacked our hospital bags 50 times.. I find random things we don’t even need just to go to the store.. I take my dog on walks 75 times a day, babies room is completely done & I still go in there & find something to do that isn’t necessary lol

I don’t know how people can be home bodies.. I can’t stand sitting here everyday.

I’m super thankful I have a hard working partner that doesn’t mind taking care of us, don’t get me wrong.

But I am sooooooo freaking bored!! & on his days off he’s obviously tired & wants to be at home relaxing, but I get so annoyed cause I want to go do something together.😂🤦🏻‍♀️

This baby needs to hurry up so I have something to do all day everyday.

Ok, rant over.