Friendless and losing it

Just need to vent. Alright so, I moved for school and it’s been rough. My roommate and I barely talked all year and now she’s decided she would rather do community college. Which I understand and I’m not upset with her for it, it’s a lot cheaper than university. But even though we only spoke a handful of times, it’s probably the most I’ve spoken to someone here.

Other than that, I really just spend all of my free time with my boyfriend. And I love him and all but, I really wish I had someone to hang out with sometimes.

I have general anxiety disorder and it mainly presents itself in social situations. I’m just awful at making friends in person. It sucks to constantly hear, “just go talk to someone,” because while that’s easy for most, it just isn’t for me.

So, I turned to apps. I had great experiences on BumbleBFF. But, my boyfriend didn’t like me using it because it wasn’t a separate app from their dating portion. Which, I understand. And I’m in a small town so using the lesser known apps hasn’t worked so far. I’m just losing my mind not having someone to talk to.

I’m currently in therapy and taking medication for my anxiety, so hopefully I can move passed it hindering my social life. But for now, I’m losing my mind.